Apply for this visa if you currently work for, or have a job offer from, an accredited employer, and you have worked in a care workforce role for 24 months.
Length of stay | Age range | Cost |
indefinitely | 55 or younger | From NZD $4290 |
With this visa you can
- Live, work and study in New Zealand.
- Include your partner and dependent children aged 24 or younger in your visa application.
Things to note
- At the time you apply you must be working for, or have a job offer from, an accredited employer.
- Your employment must be full-time, and permanent or fixed-term for at least 12 months.
- You must have worked in New Zealand for 24 months, in a care workforce role that paid you NZD$28.25 an hour or more (or the equivalent salary).
- If your partner or children have visas to study, work or visit based on their relationship to you, you must include them in your application.
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